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*In light of COVID-19, our community events are going to be held online for now. Join us for webinars and socials!

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The Future of Access: OpenDoor Investor Showcase 10 December 2019 @ 4:00 pm

The members of OpenDoor, Plexal’s inclusion accelerator, are graduating on 10 December. Join us to hear their pitches, and feed into the challenges for our next programme.

We’ll hear about a broad range of solutions, from employability for young people to making travel more accessible for disabled people.


4:00pm – Register and meet the innovators.

4:20pm – Introduction to OpenDoor and cohort pitches: hear from nine innovators who are changing the future of work.

6:00pm – Networking, and help shape the challenges for our next programme.

4:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Event area:
Centre Stage, Plexal

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