*In light of COVID-19, our community events are going to be held online for now. Join us for webinars and socials!

Women in Business @ Plexal 5 August 2020 @ 1:00 pm

Plexal hosts a Women in Business meetup on the first Wednesday of every month.
This is a chance for our members to swap stories, share advice and discuss the topics that matter to us. We’ve previously talked about everything from what it feels like to be the only woman in a tech company to how social media is fuelling insecurity.
RSVP on Eventbrite for your Zoom link or to join us in person at Plexal (we can only host six people at a time in person for health and safety reasons).
If you’ve got any questions or speaker suggestions, email us on community@plexal.com
Our upcoming dates and venues are:
- 5 August: Lynn boardroom
- 2 September: Lynn boardroom
- 7 October: Elba meeting room
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