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Informed Funding’s 1-2-1 Consultation Service 26 February 2020 @ 12:00 am Free

If you’ve got questions about your financial position or funding strategy, complete the request form to book a free, one hour, 1-2-1 consultation with Informed Funding (iF) if you’re a Plexal member. Once completed, iF will contact you to schedule a date for your session. These can be held in person or remotely. If you’ve got any questions, you can reach the team on

Business owners, directors and founders have used the service to:

  • understand the personal implications of taking on debt and using the wrong type of finance for their business
  • question if they know what an invoice finance facility costs their business
  • avoid expensive future mistakes by giving away too much equity too cheaply
  • learn why convertible debt might be the wrong thing to take on
  • determine if grants and R&D funding are an option
  • identify suitable sources of funding and receive relevant introductions
  • tap into Informed Funding’s VC network

An iF consultation session will result in a confidential report that will identify your underlying finance challenges. These can be immediate, such as the need to finance new orders, or longer-term, such as the need to fix on a business growth model. Informed Funding will also give you practical suggestions, including introductions to potentially suitable funders, or can sent up a more in-depth review.

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Ramsey, Meeting Room

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