*In light of COVID-19, our community events are going to be held online for now. Join us for webinars and socials!

The importance of Pride and how to be an LGBTQ+ ally 2 July 2020 @ 12:00 pm Free

Pride month is a time when the LGBTQ+ community typically comes together to celebrate their identity and encourage change. This year, the lockdown has removed access to safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community, Pride events across the globe have been cancelled and people are having to live in situations where they can’t fully be themselves.
Plexal’s hosting an online event to explore questions like:
Why is the Pride movement important now and how is it evolving?
As we begin to think about returning to the physical workspace, what actions can we take to create inclusive and supportive environments?
And how can we be better allies to the LGBTQ+ community?
Join Bruno Sussat, innovation lead at Plexal, as he discusses these important questions and more with panellists Anna Sharman, Plexal member and founder of Cofactor, and Dr Jack Pearson, friend of Plexal and medical affairs manager at Natural Cycles.
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